Every Believer Has A Place

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Here Is What We Offer

The worldwide pandemic caused by the Coronavirus has virtually brought the existing church system to a halt. And with the suspension of all normal Church activities, most believers are left without the privilege of attending regular church meetings and engaging in ministry in their church.

But that does not mean all believers have to remain inactive and unable to do something for the Lord and for His Kingdom. We created this website to help you identify your gifts and calling so that you can start doing some kind of ministry right away.

Later, as the effects of the international pandemic disappear and you can return to your normal church activities, then you will be in a much better position to really get involved in public church meetings and perhaps even more in a higher ministry calling.

But until then let’s make the most of the situation we are in right now, and see if we can use the time available to learn something new and deal with any personal problems and difficulties.

Daphne and I have been doing the work of the ministry for many years, and now we are at the age where we need to slow down a bit and let go of the pressures of running an international ministry.

So we are moving into a kind of semi retirement in the work of the Lord. Of course you never retire from ministry so we would like to continue doing what we enjoy and what we do well.

We love ministering to God’s people and helping them find their skills and abilities and where they fit into the bigger picture. So we would like to be there for you a bit like spiritual parents who can take you by the hand and pour into you all that the Lord has taught us over the years.

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We Would Like To Give You Our Knowledge

We have both written many books and produced training courses mostly for those who function at the higher levels of the Fivefold Ministry. But now we want to also offer you some of the more important basics of the spiritual life and of ministry.

We are putting together some courses that will give you the knowledge and tools you may need to start ministering to those around you. The materials in these courses can be used by anyone who desires to be used by the Lord.

Working and Ministering From Home

With the limitations of social gatherings caused by the Coronavirus it has become impossible for now to continue with normal church meetings, either large or small.

So the obvious solution for now is to learn to use your home as a base for ministry. Already many have even moved to doing their normal work from home, using the internet to meet with others online and to receive and submit work data.

Holding Meetings At Home

It is very likely that as group gatherings are again permitted, these will begin at very low levels, with numbers being limited to only 10 people at at time. This is a perfect number for a home church, and you will be able to start a church in your home with just this small number.

But even if you are still in lockdown, it is possible to start a small church right in your home with just your immediate family members. Even if it is just you and your spouse, you can still have a church meeting together.

But of course it is a bit limited and unless one of you can play a guitar or keyboard you cannot have a worship time, and even if you can preach, you cannot preach to just one person.

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Worshipping At Home

We write all our own worship songs and since we are also musicians we also do our own live worship. So what we would like to offer you is a recording of all our songs for you to play, along with the words so you can sing along and worship with us right there in your home.

Check the link above to our songs, and you will see that we offer quite a large selection of songs, which are currently adding to daily as we make new recordings.

Sermons For Your Home Church

There is a lot available online now in the way of preaching and teaching which you could use for your home meetings. And if your regular church have now gone online, you can probably watch their ministry.

If you do not have this, we will be putting out some ministry each week, in the form of Bible Studies and teachings that you might enjoy. You will be able to view them using the links we put up each week.

Ministering Online From Your Home

If you have a ministry yourself or have been itching to do some preaching and teaching, there is no better way to do this than using the internet. This is how we ministered when we were living in a foreign country and could not gather people together for church.

We preached into camera and then made our ministry available online from a website. This is easy using systems such as YouTube who allow you to upload your videos. And if you have a web service that allows data space, you can also upload audio files and text files for people to download.

You will be surprised how easy it is to do this and get your face out into the world. You could find yourself reaching people not only in your area, but around your country and also other countries. The whole world will be available to you.

We can help you to do this and show you how to go about it, since we have been doing it for many years.

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Dealing With Personal Problems

You may desire or need personal ministry, which often is not available when you are a member of a large church.

Since we are now free from the commitment of running a ministry, we can be there for you to counsel and minister the love of the Lord and to help you live a life of blessing.

We have learned to work with people both live and online using modern technology and so we are able to help you start doing some things for the Lord that you enjoy doing. And you can enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something for the Lord.

Ministering Personally To Others

If you desire to minister and the Lord has given you the ability to help others, either by praying with them or counseling them, then the internet again gives you amazing opportunities.

Having used this means to minister to people around the world for some years, we can help you to get going yourself, and reaching out with what God has given you.

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