Daily Publications

To help you live an abundant life, we try to publish each day fresh materials that will help you on the way.

These consist of two different words from the Lord. The first is a prophetic word, given by the Holy Spirit. The second is a meditation based on a passage of Scripture.

The best way to meditate on a Scripture is to convert it into an active picture or event. This helps you visualize the promise and also to remember it.

Past Publications

To view past prophetic words go here

To view past scripture meditations go here

Prophetic Word


Daily Meditation


To view past prophetic words go here

To view past scripture meditations go here

5 thoughts on “Daily Publications”

  1. My family have been tremendously blessed by the prophetic words, we have been encouraged, inspired, and built up to believe God’s word. God bless you, your family, and your ministries.

    Mc Cyril

  2. The picture illustration of Deuteronomy 28:7 is so clear. I can really see the whirlwind around me, and my enemies whimpering off with their tails between their legs.

  3. Yes indeed this meditation was for me May the blessings mentioned here be in me forever Amen.

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